About Us

Robotic Process Automation Implementation, Inc. (RPAi) was founded in early 2015.   Since inception our sole corporate focus has been to provide our clients and prospects with unmatched knowledge & expertise in the RPA and associated AI space. 

Partnered with the best-in-class providers and a North American focus, we support clients of all sizes and vertical markets from1 Robot to over 800.

We continue to up-skill digital workers with the latest AI technologies including Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Generative Large Language Models to further expand the scope of work these intelligent digital workers can perform. Our business model is specific to maximizing the speed and cost effectiveness of our clients hiring and employing digital workers.

Our proprietary implementation methodology reduces implementation costs from the typical consultancy services/software ratio of 20:1  down to 3:1, bringing you the most value and fastest speed to market.

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