Human Resources
Following are some jobs digital workers have been trained to perform within HR:
Processing an applicant record through initial application submission through to completion of the new hire process.
Interacting with the applicant to collect accurate and complete information throughout the on boarding process text goes here.
Using the new hire profile completion to trigger automated activation of user credential creation for access to all systems that the new hire will require access to.
Processing an applicant record through initial application submission through to completion of the new hire process.
Interacting with the applicant to collect accurate and complete information throughout the on boarding process.
Reconcile vendor invoices against employee list and payroll deductions as each invoice is sent to the benefits department.
Run standard payroll batch extracts and/or import to payroll in preparation for gross-to-net processing.
Run standard payroll validations against data to reduce human intervention prior to gross-to-fit calculations.
Fee new hires, transfers, and terminations from HR module to procurement system in real time to avoid delays and/or inaccurate submissions and approval authorization.
Travel and expense claim processing.
Travel and expense claim review and approval.
Compare new hire requisition against approved position budget and headcount.
Compare salary/hourly wage offer against requisition and/or approved budget.
Report ongoing comp/headcount against approved budget.
Review employee certification status against requirements.
Notify employees, managers, and compliance of certification requirements.
Data capture and cleaning to support automated generation of reports.
Pre-populating complex periodic reporting requirements.
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